President's Corner

Dear RRCC Residents,

We hope this message finds you well and thriving. As we continue to navigate the changing seasons within our community, we find it essential to address two critical aspects that impact us all: water conservation and our landscape development initiatives.

Water Conservation Measures In light of the ongoing water restrictions implemented by local authorities, we urge each of you to be mindful of your water usage. These measures are vital for ensuring that our community and surrounding areas sustain adequate water supplies throughout the year. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

Limit outdoor watering to the designated days and times for your address.
Refrain from washing cars or filling large pools without necessary permits.
Report leaks or excessive water wastage in community areas to the HOA office immediately.
We recognize the inconvenience these restrictions may pose, but we believe in the strength and cooperation of our community to rise to this challenge. Together, we can make a significant difference in preserving our most precious resource.

Pause on Landscape Development In conjunction with water conservation efforts, we have decided to put a temporary hold on all new landscape development projects. This decision aims to further reduce our water usage and ensure compliance with current environmental guidelines. We will closely monitor the situation and provide updates as new information becomes available.

A Call for Community Spirit During this period, let us turn these challenges into opportunities to enhance our community spirit and collective well-being. Here are a few ways we can come together:

Participate in community meetings to discuss and share water-saving tips and ideas.
Join volunteer groups within the community to help maintain existing green spaces responsibly.
Engage in community-wide events and activities that foster a sense of belonging and mutual support.
We appreciate your understanding and active participation in these matters. Let's continue to support one another and ensure our community remains a vibrant and sustainable place for all.

Warm regards,

Roger Barnard

President, RRCC HOA Board of Directors